Ellen Marie Fodstad

Writer and photographer from Oslo, Norway, currently living in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Public art project
An one day photography exhibition with pictures hanging on streetlights in Austurstræti, 101 Reykjavik was heldt Saturday the 6th of December. The exhibition was called "Bláma" and the photographs are by Ellen M Fodstad. The exhibition is a part of a project about Public Art.
The exhibition was also a comment on the economic crisis in Iceland and what concequenses this will have on the artlife, who now gets no support from private sponsors.


Blogger MartheL. said...

I love your energy and thinking! This exhibition I would really have liked to see live and I would like to see more! It seems mysterious, and the pictures make me curious and somehow sad.

3:06 PM  
Blogger J. said...

I like the idea of exhibiting art on the streets. Brings a new meaning to the concept of street art! Showing art outside the normal setting certainly brings the art to the people - including people who wouldn't ordinarily visit cultural institutions.

And as a comment to the financial crisis: even though the crisis might reduce funding of art and culture, which of course would be sad, I think the exhibition might also serve as a reminder to us all about the joys and good experiences of life, (like being captured by a work of art, for instance), that are not connected to spending money. So hey - if we're out of cash, at least we still have art to enjoy!

4:22 PM  
Blogger J. said...

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4:22 PM  

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