Ellen Marie Fodstad

Writer and photographer from Oslo, Norway, currently living in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Back in Iceland
Well, now I`m back in Reykjavik, looking out at the Icelandic summer from my window. Happy to have had a month in Oslo with sun everyday! But I still got to work on the "New Life "project, and now I`m sending the report, hoping for money from the Nordic culture fund.
I have done my best!

PS: The pictures is from Norway, there`s no way you can wear sandals here today..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The New Life project continues
Tomorrow I`m meeting with a representative from the parliament, and I`m hoping he will approve of my photoproject. Trying to prepare, and be convincing! I need his support to be able to exhibit the pictures.
Looking at a photograph of the ocean through a small window might bring good luck?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A new life
Working on a project wich involves people from the other Nordic countries living in Reykjavik telling about their lives. Then we work together on communicating the stories by taking photoes. Want to join?